人工智能教程 - 数学基础课程1.6 - 概率论-1-4 定义,直方图,均值,归一化等

Trina ·
· 811 次阅读

概率论 概率论是一种处理不确定性的框架(Probability as a mathematical framework for reasoning about uncertainly ) Probabilistic models
— sample space:
1.) “List” (set) of possible outcomes
2.) "List"must be :Mutually exclusive and Collectively exhaustive
3.) Art: to be at the “right” granularity
— Probability law Axioms of probability Simple examples 直方图

使用特定的直方图(Histogram in particular) 可以更好的查看相关数据

通过划分范围(经过观察后),其被称为"组距"(class interval) 制作频率表格(frequency table),很好的总结,但不能从根本上解决显示的分布状况
排序是一种更好的观测数据的方法 直方图(宽,高,面积) skewed(偏向分布/偏分)

偏向右侧分布的实例有(Ex if the skewed to the right):house price, income, weight(体重)

百分位数 percentiles 四分位数 quartiles 25% 中位数 mediun


(it depends on what you mean by best)

均值 mean best representation of a list of numbers.closest to every element of the list
可以泛泛地理解为 balance point 中位数 medium 位置在中间 众数 mode 数量 归一化: 将一列数据完全的化为一个数

the ultimate reduction of a list of numbers to a single number.

极差 range
(the range is a simply the largest observation minus the smallest observation that is a number in statistics) 四分位差 IQR
the interquartile range the IQR is just 75th percentile minus the 25th percentile
实际上,可以帮助你提取中间50%的数据 标准差 SD
standard deviation is the root means square of the deviations of the list from the mean of the list Def of RMS: 均方根 平方数的平均数的平方根(一种去掉表中元素符号的方法)

root mean square:square root of the mean of the squares

Ex of RMS:
data -1 -5 0 5 1

The RMS of the list is
((−1)2+(−5)2+02+52+12)/5=3.2\sqrt{((-1)^2 +(-5)^2+0^2+5^2+1^2 )/5}=3.2((−1)2+(−5)2+02+52+12)/5​=3.2

Ex of SD:
data 6 3 0 2 4 1
1.The MEAN of the list is


2.The list of DEVIATION from the MEAN is

{(6- 2.67), (3- 2.67), (0- 2.67), (2- 2.67), (4- 2.67),(1- 2.67) }
={3.33, 0.33, -2.67, -0.67, 1.33, -1.67}

3.The SD is the RMS of the list of deviations from the MEAN : SD=((3.33)2+0.332+(−2.67)2+(−0.67)2+1.332+(−1.67)2)/6=(23.33/6)=1.97\color{red}SD=\sqrt{((3.33)^2 +0.33^2+(-2.67)^2+(-0.67)^2+1.33^2+(-1.67)^2 )/6}=\sqrt{(23.33/6)}=1.97SD=((3.33)2+0.332+(−2.67)2+(−0.67)2+1.332+(−1.67)2)/6​=(23.33/6)​=1.97

归一化 概率论 直方图 数学 课程 人工智能 教程

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